​Dancers and Studio Guests
Have a positive attitude!
If siblings, friends, and/or relatives accompany your dancer to dance class, an adult must be present who is responsible for your guests.
Running around in the lobby is prohibited.
Noise levels and conversations must be kept to a minimum as this is a distraction to the dancers in the classroom.
Studio merchandise is not to be played with. If you break it, you buy it.
Studio flyers are not to be thrown around, drawn on, or sat on.
Food is not allowed anywhere in the studio.
No glass bottles allowed.
Youth/Teen Classes
Have a positive attitude!
Have fun!
Stow away and silence all cell phones and electronic devices.
If you need to leave the classroom, ask one of the instructors to open the door for you.
Be mindful of your neighbor’s dance space. Use windows so that all dancers have a view of themselves in the mirror and ample space for movement.
No food or gum allowed in the dance room. Water only.
No jewelry.
Diaz Studio of Dance reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.
Diaz Studio of Dance is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen items. Please label all of your belongings with your name.
No glass bottles allowed.
​18+ year old classes
Have a positive attitude!
Have fun!
Stow away and silence all cell phones and electronic devices. If you need to use your phone during class, please step outside.
Be mindful of your neighbor’s dance space. Use windows so that all dancers have a view of themselves in the mirror and ample space for movement.
If you arrive late, please find a space in the back of the class to avoid disruption.
No food or gum allowed in the dance room. Water only.
Wear jewelry with caution. Make sure that any earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc. are securely fastened to ensure that they aren’t a distraction and/or dangerous to you and others.
Be mindful of conversations during class including volume and language - keep it clean ;)
Diaz Studio of Dance reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.
Diaz Studio of Dance is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen items. Please label all of your belongings with your name.
No glass bottles allowed.
Please and thank you!